Zouheir Obeid
Vice Chair Operations
Major: Electrical Engineering
Zouheir Obeid currently serves as the Vice Chair of Operations of the Energy Coalition (EC) at the University of Houston. He is majoring in electrical engineering with a focus on power and controls. Zouheir has had three internship experiences in the energy sector, specifically in oil and gas. He has completed two downstream internships with Marathon Petroleum, and one virtual internship with Chevron. Zouheir's work has been primarily in instrumentation and controls. Outside of his oil and gas experience, Zouheir spends his free time volunteering at his church and tutoring others in freshman STEM subjects. Also, outside of EC, Zouheir participates in other student organizations, including IEEE and SASE. Zouheir, through his interest in the energy industry, is committed to put forth his best efforts in maintaining and improving the Energy Coalition.