Paul Byaruhanga
Vice Chair of Alumni Relations
Doctorate: Physics
Paul Byaruhanga is a graduate student pursuing his doctorate in Physics at University of Houston. His research focuses on electro catalysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) as one of the sources of hydrogen to produce clean energy. He synthesizes oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) platinum group catalysts to improve the performance of the proton membrane in a membrane electrode assembly (MEA).
Aside from research, Paul serves as the current Vice-Chair of the Energy Coalition alumni relations and a member of both the American Physical Society and Electrochemical society of the University of Houston.
In his spare time, he joins Christian fellowships both in person and online for prayer, play games (soccer and table tennis), hangs out with friends to have the social company.
He hopes to continue looking forward to collaborating with other researchers to contribute towards the net zero carbon consumption in fuels. This will create a revolutionary cleaner and greener energy society.