Horario y ubicación
30 sept 2020, 9:30 – 12:00
Acerca del evento
REGISTER AT: https://uh.edu/uh-energy/energy-symposium-series/human-rights-in-energy/
Human rights risks have been highlighted as increasingly urgent priorities for businesses and investors over the past decade, and that urgency has been boosted even more by the challenges of the pandemic and increased awareness of racism in America. The UN Guiding Principles for Business and Human Rights clarify that governments have a responsibility to protect human rights while businesses have a responsibility to respect human rights.
But how does a business determine what’s required to demonstrate that it respects human rights? What are governments’ priorities and constraints for protecting human rights? And where does the line between the responsibility to respect vs protect, lie for businesses, particularly regarding rights that are critical for workers and host communities on whose trust businesses rely?
This symposium will focus on helping participants understand the challenges and opportunities for the Energy Industry in addressing of Human Rights (HR) including:
• Gain a better understanding of HR and how it applies to their activities? It will also help
participants to visualize risks and possible risk reduction actions
• Ideas to guide decisions about responsibilities toward protecting HR
• Ideas on how Business and government representatives can work together in
navigating boundary of responsibility
• Learn best practices in management of HR